Saturday, September 27, 2008

Burlington Fall Festival Pumkin' Pitchin'

It is the last Saturday of September, 2008 and it is time for the Burlington WA Fall Festival. Part of the festival involves destroying pumpkins using medieval type machines called trebuchets (treb-u-shay).

Here are three video's I took with my camera of three of the tosses.

For the last few years, the contest has been distance throwing, see how far you can toss your pumpkin.

This year was a bit different. Instead of seeing how far one could toss the pumpkin, the object was to hit your target. With practice on Friday and Saturday morning, the teams had the opportunity to set their targets where they wanted to for the "official" tosses during the competition.

It turned out to be a lot of fun watching the different teams attempt to hit their targets. In fact, there were a few direct hits and several very close shots. And, of course, there were many far misses.

The targets were small stacks of hay bales with a flag mounted on it. The formula for figuring the winner was something along the lines of this... distance from the flag divided by the distance of the shot gave the accuracy percentage. The team with the highest accuracy percentage was the winner. The second video was scored a direct hit, because they actually hit the pole that the flag was on.

I apologize for the quality of the video's. They were shot with my digital camera and not with a video camera. (I gotta get me one of those.)

I hope you enjoyed watching the video's as much as we had watching the actual thing.

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